
Alpha is an official agent for the most important global Forex companies!

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technical support

Immediate and professional support

To help you open your account and answer all your inquiries.

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Ease of depositing and withdrawing


Additional deposits and withdrawals quickly and smoothly.

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special offers

bonus offers

For Alfa
customers only

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Constant follow-up

Special recommendations channel

We guide our clients through deep analyzes of the market and its trends

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Special partnership programs

For clients and introducing brokers

Includes return commissions
according to the client's situation.

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Programming trading robots

To facilitate

Based on customer's
own strategy.

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who are we

Alpha It is an official agent for the most important international Forex companies!

Our priority is to help traders achieve success in the world of trading, and to provide them with professional guidance, starting with the most important step; Which is choosing the appropriate brokerage company, in terms of international licenses from the most important regulatory authorities, professional trading conditions, low costs, in addition to complete financial security.


ALPHA partners with XM

Through our years of experience in the Forex market, we have contracted with the strongest brokerage companies. In the forefront of them is the well-known XM company, based in our choice on a long and successful experience with it in providing an exceptional trading environment for our clients.

Company Profile XM

XM Group was founded in 2009 as a financial services provider and forex broker. It provides its services to millions of customers in 190 countries. It provides a huge range of trading tools in multiple categories (currencies, commodities, metals, indices, digital currencies). With stable trading platforms and secure means of withdrawal and deposit.

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    The most important features of XM

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    Licenses from the most powerful global regulatory authorities01

    (FCA –CySEC – ASIC – DFSA )


    Up to 1000:1

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    Islamic accounts03

    Free of swap commissions on all trading instruments

    Multiple methods of withdrawal and deposit04

    (including USDT)

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    No deposit bonus ($30).05

    Deposit bonus (up to 100%, negotiable)

    Two trading platforms (MT4, MT5)06

    Multiple accounts for the client, with the ability to transfer funds between them with the click of a button

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    The most important features of XM

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    Licenses from the most powerful global regulatory authorities01

    (FCA –CySEC – ASIC – DFSA )

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    Up to 1000:1

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    Islamic accounts03

    Free of swap commissions on all trading instruments

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    Multiple methods of withdrawal and deposit04

    (including USDT)

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    No deposit bonus ($30).05

    Deposit bonus (up to 100%, negotiable)

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    Two trading platforms (MT4, MT5)06

    Multiple accounts for the client, with the ability to transfer funds between them with the click of a button

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    تتمثل أولويتنا

    أولويتنا في مساعدة المتداولين على تحقيق النجاح في عالم التداول, وتقديم التوجيه الاحترافي لهم بدءاً بالخطوة الأهم؛ والتي هي اختيار شركة الوساطة المناسبة, من حيث التراخيص العالمية من أهم الجهات الرقابية, وظروف التداول الاحترافية, والتكاليف المنخفضة, بالإضافة إلى الأمان المالي التام.

    Awesome Image 01 الدعم الفوري

    دعم فوري واحترافي لمساعدتك على فتح حسابك والإجابة على جميع استفساراتك.

    Awesome Imageتعدد مصادر الايداع 02

    توفير وسائل إضافية للإيداع والسحب

    Awesome Imageقناة توصيات خاصة 03

    تحتوي على العديد من مصادر التحليلات وفق اتجاهات السوق

    Awesome Imageبرمجة روبوتات التداول04

    لتقوم بالتداول عنك بشكل اتوماتيكي وفق بيانت وتحليلات السوق

    Awesome Imageعمولات مرتجعة 05

    مرتجعة وفق برنامج مخصص بحسب حالة العميل

    Awesome Imageبرنامج الولاء 06

    يمنحك نقاطاً مقابل عقودك المنفذة, و إمكانية تحويلها إلى رصيد للتداول

    Economic Calendar

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